News Club Kit
Safeguarding and welfare

Greensand Ridge Relay - Route Description

GSRR home Route description Entry Information Results Entries so far

Route Details

The race follows the way-marked Greensand Path, with a couple of small exceptions where a detour is made for safety or logistical reasons. The principle of the race is that finding your way is part of the challenge. There will be timing officials at start, finish and each changeover point, but none to guide you en route. So be warned that some navigation is required (some teams and runners have clearly found this difficult to adjust to in the past). A reconnoitre of your route before the race is advised.

Route details are available below. Each "Leg x" link on the left opens a one-page document for the leg shown, in MSWord format. It includes start and finish locations, advice on car parking, a map extract of the route, and some 'race notes' for a few significant points along the route where some have experienced difficulty in the past.

GPX and KML (Google Earth format) routes are available for download through the links on the right.

MSWord Leg Start and Finish GPX KML
Leg 1 Leighton Buzzard to Stockgrove Leg 1 Leg 1
Leg 2 Stockgrove to Woburn Leg 2 Leg 2
Leg 3 Woburn to Millbrook Leg 3 Leg 3
Leg 4 Millbrook to Deadman's Hill Leg 4 Leg 4
Leg 5 Deadman's Hill to Deadman's Cross Leg 5 Leg 5
Leg 6 Deadman's Cross to Northill Leg 6 Leg 6