News Club Kit
Safeguarding and welfare

List of events


Thursday 13 February MapRun - how to plan an activity and admin basics Buckingham 7:15pm - 8.45pm
Email Freya to book onto this session
Thursday 20 February Planning - how to plan good orienteering courses and use of Purple Pen Buckingham 7:15pm - 8.45pm
Email Freya to book onto this session
Sunday 23 February CompassSport Trophy Heat Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire S80 3AZ Please contact Club Captain if you haven't already confirmed your place. All members welcome.
Sunday 6 April SMOC Club Championships Hambleden East We will be holding our 2025 Club Championships at TVOC’s Chiltern Challenge
Anytime Ad hoc SportIdent sessions: An introduction to the SI Software. Setting up an event and running download at an event TBA If you are interested in a session to learn these skills please email to arrange a suitable time and date
Saturday 14 June Greensand Ridge Relay   Details

For a full list of UK events see the British Orienteering fixture list.

For fixtures of our neighbouring clubs: HH, TVOC, LEI, OD and WAOC.